Cisco offers two styles of cables for use with the 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz product lines. These cables provide a much lower loss factor than standard interconnect cable, and they can be used when the antenna must be placed at any distance from the radio device. While these are low-loss cables, they should still be kept to a minimum length . There are two types of cable supplied by Cisco for mounting the antenna away from the radio unit. The 100- and 150-foot cables are LMR600 type cable, while the 20- and 50-foot cables are LMR400 type cables. All four lengths are supplied with one RP-TNC plug and one RP-TNC jack connector attached. This allows for connection to the radio unit and to the interconnect cable supplied on the antennas.
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امتیاز و دیدگاه کاربران
کابل آنتن سیسکو AIR-CAB005LL-R